Prohibition is when the manufacturing or intake
of alcohol is illegal. The United States had a fourteen year time period in
which alcohol was illegal. As it looked like a successful way to reduce crime
and corruption, it turned out to be a disaster. The act was also put into action
to try to help reduce the tax burdens created by prisons. The illegal use of
alcohol then encouraged secretive and even more dangerous wrong doings. Prohibition
impacted the United States by changing the daily life of civilians. The
deception involved in the Prohibition era led to a national mindset of
corruption involving government officials, classes in society changing and the
demand for alcohol.
government officials are commonly known as textbook rule followers, the
prohibition era changed the way officials enforced laws. Cops were paid a
minimal salary, making them struggle to provide for their families. As cops
were paid minimally they were looking for extra money, going against
their job to make extra money helped. During Prohibition, large amounts of
alcohol were smuggled from Canada, and over state lines into private houses and
bars. Cops were paid off to turn a blind eye to escort liquor trucks. The
illegal manufacturing and selling commonly referred to bootlegging, went along
with the operation of bars and clubs illegally providing alcohol, which is
commonly referred to as “speakeasies”, cops accepted large amounts of
bribes and barters to not report the illegal action. The more alcohol being produced,
the more people who committed a felony by in taking it, and public enforcement
hiding it, the harder it was to convict the crime. The cops that did follow the
law, had nearly an impossible chance of convicting criminals. In New York,
seven thousand cases were made against alcohol, with only twenty seven cases
being convicted. For over a decade, people became to feel more and more
fearless with potentially getting caught.
reason for the Prohibition act in the first place was to reduce crime, which
wasn't successful. Social classes in society introduced new types of
gangsters and stirred criminal activity.In each major city had its main gangster,
they dominated the city providing the commodity. Providing cities with alcohol
started a network. Along with the network of organized criminal activity, high
members in society contributed as well. Doctors began to write prescriptions
for whiskey, whiskey was supposed to only be used for medical purposes only.
Not only were adults drinking, it created a rise in children in taking alcohol.
During the Prohibition period, there were more cases of hospitalization of
teens due to alcohol, than ever reported. Members of society contributed to
organized criminal activity.
though alcohol was illegal, there was a very high demand for it still. Alcohol
began to be made at a very high alcohol content, and often poisons and extra
chemicals were added. People began to learn how to brew their own alcohol making
it a less expensive way to have alcohol at their own convenience. As
people engaged in distilling their own alcohol, making alcohol began to become
a career choice. The price of alcohol rises, led to more alcohol production.
Even though drinking alcohol was illegal, it still remained popular and
socially accepted.
Prohibition it led to inflation in consuming alcoholic beverages and led to a National
corruption involving government officials, classes in society and changing the
demand for alcohol. The consumption of alcohol became more popular when it was
illegal, even though it was primarily set into place to help America, Prohibition was repealed on December 5th, 1933 because the United States economy was suffering from the Stock Market crash.
The newly elected president Franklin Roosevelt came into presidency wanting to
improve the economy with first order to repeal Prohibition. Overall Prohibition
did not accomplish to improve America, it ended up being a fourteen year time
period of lies, crimes and destruction.
This shows a group of guilty bootleggers. Bootleggers manufactured and sold alcohol which during this time period was very illegal. |
The American Issue published a headline named "U.S Is Voted Dry". This started a whole new Era in American History. America being voted dry was a way to improve and try to prevent corruption.
Works Cited
“Alcohol Decreased During Prohibtion.” Scaffter Library of Drug Policy. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2014. <>.
Brown, L. Ames. Prohibition; The North American Review; Volume 202. N.p.: University of Northern Iowa, n.d. Print.
Colman, Penny. Elizabth Cady Stanton and Susan B Anthony- A friendship that changed the world. New York, New York: Henry Holt and Company, n.d. Print.
Lerner, Michael. “Unintended Consequences.” Prohibition. APT/ PBS, n.d. Web. 9 Dec. 2014. <>.
“Prohibition.” History. com. A+E Networks, n.d. Web. 9 Dec. 2014. <>.
Raushenbush, Carl. The Economic Results of Prohibition. N.p.: American Economic Association, n.d. Print.
The Temperance movement and Prohibition in America. N.p.: History Study Centre. ProQuest LLC. 2010, 2014. Print.
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